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  • Dealing with a deceased's investments

Dealing with a deceased's investments

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt.

Saving: AXA Framlington Health Fund Acc, Schroder Asian Income Inc, M&G Global Growth X Acc
No Clean: First Stae latin America Fund Class A () GBP
Dual Priced: Aberdeen ...
No Saving: Henderson Fixed Interest Monthly Income Fund X Inc (SIPP)

Add fund
Account type
Amount invested £ Add Fund Cancel
The selected fund is already present within the fund list.
Your investment of 0 The total ongoing charge for your 0 investment is: Edit amount
Cost reduction:
Per year
Cost reduction:
Not applicable
Bundled charge of 0
A clean equivalent fund is not available for comparison.
You could be £0 better off in your current fund. This could be due to the rebates that you are receiving on the fund charges.
On this fund you pay a higher price when you invest than when you sell. This is known as a bid-offer spread and is an extra fund provider charge. As a result, the cost of switching is likely to be greater than the saving you achieve through lower charges. To understand the size of this spread, refer to the bid and offer prices on the clean share class fund factsheet.
Remember: The new Fidelity Service fee reduces the more you hold with us.
Please note, it is important you understand that you will be out of the market while we move you across to the new charging structure, as we have to sell your holdings in the bundled share class and then invest the money in the clean share class. This can take up to two working days. You will be out of the market, so you could miss out on growth and income if the market rises during this time. Please note, you will probably have a different number of units in the fund after you move as the prices of bundled and clean share classes are normally different.
By switching the indicated
funds with lower charges you
could reduce your costs by:
over the next year!
Alternatively call us on 0800 41 41 61
If you transfer holdings worth £0 to Fidelity, this will take you into the next tier of service fee and you could save an extra £0 on your holdings specified above.

Add another transferrable investment
Unfortunately, if you switched your current investments to the
new charging you would not achieve any savings at all.